You may not know that it’s possible to make a living online. Most people think you have to have to go to college and have a great job and a degree to make a lot of money these days. If you think that way, I’m about to really surprise you, and show you exactly how you can make a lot of money online starting now!
Don’t worry, this is not a scam, pyramid scheme, or any of that time wasting stuff. When I first heard about making money online that was the first thing that came to my head too. But then I started collecting checks every month, and my whole theory changed from that point on!
Ok, lets get down to business, I’m actually going to show you how to start making money online, right now. What I want you to do is go to a website called ClickBank and sign up (it’s free). They manage a bunch of different products that you can promote for a commission. All you need to do is send people (traffic) to that product page, and if they buy that product, you make a commission of the sale. The correct term for it is, becoming an affiliate. Here’s a quick example to clear your up your confusion. Lets say one of the products is selling for $150 and you get a 50% commission. Every time you make a sale, you’ll be making $75. So if you get 10 people to buy it, you’ll get a check for $750! See what I mean? It is possible to do and quite easy.
Check it out here:
Once you’ve signed up on the ClickBank website, the next thing to do is pick a good product to promote. Now this is the part where a bunch of affiliates fail to be successful online. But right now I’m going to tell you a quick tip that helped me become extremely successful, very quickly. Under each product in the “Marketplace” of ClickBank, there’s something called “grav”, which means its Gravity, which tells you if the product is selling well or not. You always want to pick a product that is over 50 gravity. If the product isn’t over that, don’t waste your time! Once you know that, you’ll be able to successfully sell products on ClickBank. The reason you want the Gravity to be high is because that tells you that other affiliates are successfully selling it. Let me tell you a quick secret that most people don’t know about Gravity. The number of Gravity actually means how many affiliates that product has! For example, if the gravity is 75, that means 75 different affiliates are selling the product at that time… Easy enough right?
So now that you have that down, go make some money online! It’s seriously not as hard as most people think, especially when you have the right people teaching you. That’s how I became successful online, just happened to be around the right teachers at the right time!
If you want to find out more about how you can become successful online through affiliate marketing, and also find out WHERE to promote, check out my free 7-day Bootcamp! I actually explain to you in detail how I did it, and how you can “actually” use the exact steps I did. It’s worth it, and it’s free, how could you say no!
Check it out here:
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
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